At St Mary’s children and staff strive to live their daily lives through our mission statement “Learning Together in Faith and Love” and through the teachings of the Gospels in their daily lives. We strive to be witnesses to the Catholic Social Teaching, for example every year we become involved with a range of charities and fundraising projects.
We are responsive to the needs of the community. Staff members have taken part and have raised money for several charities in the past year such as Race for Life, MacMillan Coffee Morning, the Memory Walk and Darkness into Light.
Common Good and Social Justice are a focal point in our school Catholic Social Teaching. Through school and key stage assemblies, RE lessons, class discussions and workshops, children learn the importance of sharing and looking after those less fortunate in our community, nationally and on a global scale.
Over the years, our school community have supported a wide range of charities and fundraising causes. We have supported Operation Christmas Child, with our families making Christmas gift boxes for children around the world. Every year we raise funds for CAFOD and CCS in their Advent and Lenten Appeals, supporting both local families and children and their families abroad.
We organise regular MUFTY Days as part of our fundraising for various causes, for example, MUFTY days, with pupils wear their own clothes and are asked to donate tins and packets of dry food, which we then deliver to the local Food Banks.
In Advent, we organise visits to the local Care Home, to visit residents, deliver Christmas cards and spend time with them.
This year we are organising for our choir to sing Christmas Carols outside our local Sainsbury’s to fund raise for the local causes, supported by CCS.